
Divine Feminine

Harnessing the sacred power of your FEM-INTUITION to create a business and life that you love!

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Harnessing the sacred power of your FEM-INTUITION to create a business and life that you love!

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easily manifest the relationships, health, & Wealth you desire when you tap into


Watch this workshop to find out more about FEM-INTUITION & get your score.

FEM-INTUITION is all about awakening and harnessing the power of your divine feminine to create a business and life that you love with ease and flow. That's right! You can easily create the relationships, connections, and abundance of health and wealth that you are desiring without force, struggle or burnout when you understand and have a good relationship with each of the 4 feminine energies, or archetypes of the divine feminine.

During your FEM-INTUITION assessment, you will be given a score in 4 different areas of the divine feminine, which are the HEALER, the WARRIOR, the TEMPTRESS and the QUEEN. After the Assessment, you can sign-up to spend 20-mins with a master coach going over your score and finding out how you can create better relationships, more clarity, and greater confidence and abundance in all areas of your life.


your divine feminine.

Now is the rising of the divine feminine! For milenia females have been forced to suppress sensuality, intuition and sexuality. You may have been taught that these gifts are evil or wrong or told that being feminine is weak.

In fact, these are your greatest powers. These are the very things that will empower you to manifest a life and business that you love with ease and grace. It all begins with awakening your gifts that have been hiding and lying dormant.

So, how do you harness and more fully activate your divine feminine?

At Mayah Rose Academy, we have developed a simple assessment to help you determine how fully you are operating from your Divine Feminine and accessing your FEM-INTUITION. You can meet with a master coach to go over your assessment and find out how you can experience more...

- sacred union in your relationships

- clarity of purpose

- confidence in your purpose

- and abundance of resources.

"The Fem-Intuition program is powerful! Understanding the archetypes has allowed me to connect with my Divine Feminine energy and heal patterns within me that were holding me back." 

-Jody, Coach from Joshua Tree CA-

"I would highly recommend this to any woman who is looking to activate her Divine Feminine for more fulfillment, connection, and achievement."

-Paige, Hypnotherapist from Utah-

How awakened is your SEnsuality, intuition & sexuality?

Allison Mayah Rose Rogers
Allison Mayah Rose Rogers is a renowned Intuition Expert, Author, Media Host and Speaker. She is Co-Founder of Legendary, Founder of The Speakers Coalition and Creator of Fem-Intuition where she empowers successful women to create a life they love. She has been featured on stages and platforms all over the world and has received multiple awards for her work.

Today she is passionate about teaching heart-centered women how to create a life and business that they love. Her unique Fem-Intuition program allows women to harness their Divine Feminine to manifest a life they love with ease and flow.

The origin of


Allison Mayah Rose Rogers here. I am the Creator and Founder of the Fem-Intuition program. After spending years of my life scared to be in the spotlight, I achieved major success in a very short period of time. I thought all my dreams were coming true because my business was growing in ways that I never even dreamed were possible.

The only problem was that I was miserable. I found myself so focused on success and achievement that my relationships and personal care were suffering. I was operating way too much from my masculine and it was creating burn out in my life. Even though it seemed like I was successful on the outside, I was depressed on the inside. It took me hitting rock bottom to finally make the changes I needed to be happy again.

I implemented some tools and practices and just a few years after hitting rock bottom, I found myself happier than ever in a beautiful relationship with my soul partner, doing the things I loved and making money doing them. I felt so abundant and I started meditating on how I could help share this with other women who also wanted to create a life that they loved.

It was during one of these meditations that the Fem-Intuition program was given to me. I started developing a program and teaching it right away and am happy to report that it has helped thousands of women all over the world find greater happiness, success, relationships and health. If you are reading this, I would bet that this program can help you too!

Allison Mayah Rose

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